"Your presence has disturbed the spirit of the white rhinoceros!"
18 December 2014
Hammer hokum about a hunter with high-waisted pants who finds himself in a jungle kingdom where pretty brunettes rule over pretty blondes (I kid you not). The brunettes' horny leader (Martine Beswick) takes a liking to him but he's more into blondes. Drama ensues. Cheesy Hammer 'lost world' film with a campy performance from sexy Martine Beswick. Love that seductive dance scene. It may seem tame by today's standards but I'm sure in the '60s a movie full of babes in fur bikinis was very titillating. Lots of unintentionally funny lines and situations. The very premise of brunettes enslaving blondes is laughable. It's no classic but it is goofy fun. Not the kind of movie you really can or should take seriously.
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