How I Met Your Mother: Little Minnesota (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
Loved Barney's Songs
24 December 2014
The show didn't make it three 10/10 in a row, but it's still a great episode.

Plot In A Paragraph: During this Christmas holiday season, Ted's younger sister Heather is coming for a visit with the thought of actually moving to New York to begin a career in finance. But what Ted is not convinced, but he is most afraid of is Heather sleeping Barney, who has always wanted to sleep with Heather despite never having met her. Upon her arrival, Heather asks Ted to co-sign an apartment lease, otherwise there is no way she can move to the city. Meanwhile, Robin is feeling more homesick than usual. To help her feel better, Marshall takes her to his local bar, which is for people from and celebrates Marshall's home state of Minnesota. Despite Robin not being from Minnesota and despite the bar patrons ridiculing Canadians, Robin tries to make the bar her own place, at the expense of Marshall.
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