Utterly horrible
17 January 2015
My first review, to warn potential viewers.

As a very open-minded and experimental movie watcher (especially after a few beers) I find myself watching trash quite often. Trashy movies can be done well, unfortunately this is not.

The acting is horrible, the only one who seems like he is not just reciting some lines off of a page is Gad Holland as Ben. 1 Star for him.

The sound editing is horrible, some scenes are extremely quiet and you crank up the volume just to have your ears blasted off in the next scene by somebody screeching right next to the microphone.

Overall this seems like a project done by students of a movie academy, not an actual movie as such. I have seen better things done by hobby filmmakers. I am also very surprised by the rather positive ratings here on IMDb, perhaps only staff and relations rated this movie so far, who knows?

Recommendation: don't watch it, even Uwe Boll's movies are better than this
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