How I Met Your Mother: The Best Man (2011)
Season 7, Episode 1
Brilliant Season Opener
3 February 2015
As "How I Met Your Mother" kicks off it's seventh season, Neil Patrick Harris knocks it out if the park once again showing all of the many sides to Barney Stinson.

Plot In A Paragraph: Ted and Barney reminisce about Punchy's wedding, which they dubbed "The worst wedding ever" At the wedding, Robin contemplates telling Barney she still has feelings for him, and Marshall and Lilly try and hide the fact that Lilly is pregnant.

Any episode that features the brilliant Neil Patrick Harris's character Barney Stinson in the main storyline is always excellent. The dance routine with Robin (Cobie Smulders) was brilliant. I could go on and on about the brilliance of this episode, and in particular Neil Patrick Harris but I won't bore you with it.

Who is Barney's bride?? Is it Robin (I was a fan of them as a couple, more so than her and Ted) or is it Nora (Who I really liked in her small role so far!!) and what is the ducky tie?? So much to be revealed.
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