Review of Banshee

Banshee (2013–2016)
Landmark Television-Pulp's finest hour
8 February 2015
When this show appeared a couple of years ago, there were complaints by some of gratuitous sex and violence. At the time, I thought the complaints themselves were gratuitous. The show was what it was. In a word, "brutal". The complaints over content were as silly as they would have been about HBO's OZ. You didn't go into this expecting family entertainment... By the middle of season three, I have to admit the show has turned into a great deal more than I ever thought it could. It's simply one of the best on television at the moment. There is no show that grabs me, pulls me in, and puts me through the wringer like this one. It is gut wrenching on every level of the term, giving bizarre and rare insights in ways you wouldn't think 'pulp' was possible. I can't think of anything comparable I've ever seen on TV. It's a bit like a cross between "the Wire", "Oz" and Quentin Tarantino at his best. It will titillate, repulse, excite, and sadden every inch of you. I honestly can't think of any other show that can emotionally involve you like this one can. Severely underrated doesn't even begin to sum the show. If you can tolerate the emotional roller coaster, catch up on the previous seasons and hang on. But be forewarned, this isn't like anything else on TV. A more graphic, gut-wrenching, exciting, and perversely fun television show has not seen the airwaves. Like the "the Wire", this show will only grow in reputation with age. It's landmark television. Not for everyone. But part of me thinks it ought to be.
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