Some humour and some original ideas in this Aussie version of the zombie apocalypse
28 February 2015
Wyrmwood represents an Australian take on the zombie apocalypse. It focuses on a small group of characters warding off the undead in rural Australia. It should be said upfront that it's one of those horror films that puts a strong emphasis on humour. This isn't always a good idea, as it can make a film a little corny. While, it could be argued that that does happen here to a certain extent, largely the humour is actually pretty funny. In particular, an Aboriginal guy played by Leon Burchill was especially good in this regard and provided most of the memorable laughs, such as when he is able to casually walk away from a ravenous zombie who may be scary but is slow as hell or when he accidentally blows off a strangers head with a sawn-off shotgun and then has the temerity to wonder if he's alright. The film is typified by its down-to-earth Aussie characteristics, which I suppose lends itself to a humorous approach.

It does have one or two original ideas to add to the zombie film lexicon too, such as how zombie blood can in fact be used as a substitute for diesel or the whole plot-strand where sinister soldier types kidnap a woman and conduct experiments on her which in turn give her the power to control zombies. This latter element is one with quite a bit of potential and maybe more could have been made of it rather than the less interesting plot strand focusing on the guys fighting zombies in a goofy manner. Bianca Bradley makes a good impression as the zombie queen and her character certainly is one with some bite. On the whole, this is quite a good effort for a low budget movie. It has some ideas and laughs and while it does lose steam as it goes on, it still has enough distinctive characteristics about it to ensure its worth seeing if you like your zombie flicks.
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