A few memorable visuals, but little else to offer
4 March 2015
Taken on their own, there are a lot of little things to like about "At the Devil's Door." It's competently directed, but not flashy. There are some really nice creature make up effects. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least two visuals creepy enough to remember two days later. At least one jump scare worked for me because it came out of nowhere.

The problem is, none of these things really add up to anything special. "At the Devil's Door" suffers from something I just made up: Handful-of-Interesting-Visuals Disease, or HIV for short. Wait … that may already be taken. Whatever. HIV is where a filmmaker suddenly musters enough inspiration to come up with a neat shot or two, but then doesn't have much else to build around them. What this movie lacks is likable characters, believable dialog, a coherent timeline of events and — when all is said and done and the credits start to roll — a story worth telling. The story jumps from character to character all willy-nilly, never giving us the chance to get to know any of them. Months, then years, go by with the flash of a title card. Once, for no particular reason, the movie jumps backwards in time. Words spill from character's mouths with little thought as to why they are saying them or what they actually mean. There's a bit of clever misdirection at one point in the story, but the reveal doesn't really mean all that much because nothing happens due to the protagonist having the wrong information. It's just there for to make the audience go, "oh." I'm shaking my head; that's just bad writing.

While I'm generally a fan of backdrop horror … that is, scary stuff going on in the background of scenes … this movie relies on it almost exclusively. I don't have enough fingers to count out the number of times we get a shot of something in the foreground while scary stuff goes on just out of focus. Or, the trick where a character walks by a window or mirror and there's something standing there. These are occasionally accompanied by music stings, but only when the character happens to notice whatever it is.

I'm also not sure the ending of this movie makes a whole lot of sense. It certainly isn't satisfying, but it may also be completely nonsensical.

All in all, not a waste of time, but not exactly a great way to spend it, either.
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