lost the thread of this one
20 March 2015
"Assignment to Kill" from 1968 is one of those foreign espionage films that flourished in the '60s, complete with that jazzy, screechy music that seemed to be in every film. Never my favorite.

The cast here includes Patrick O'Neal, Joan Hackett, Herbert Lom, and John Gielgud, and Oscar Homolka.

O'Neal plays a private investigator who is hired by an insurance company to investigate a shipping magnate who seems to be sinking his own ships for insurance money.

It turns out to be more complicated than that, but I'm afraid this film moved so slowly that I lost the thread of the plot and started daydreaming. I always liked O'Neal, Hackett, Lom, and of course, Gielgud, but this script didn't serve them well. The underplaying O'Neal was solid, and as Dominique, I suspect the lovely Hackett was slightly miscast as well as wasted. Both Hackett and O'Neal sadly died young, Hackett of ovarian cancer.

Beautiful scenery, but even with that and a good cast, "Assignment to Kill" is pretty lackluster.
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