21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Journey to the Edge of the Universe (2008) Written by Nigel Henbest and Billie Pink, Directed by Yavar Abbas and narrated by Alec Baldwin. Well, that was two hours wasted,

Spoiler ahead, although it is hard to imagine that anything could "spoil" this documentary any further. Inane commentary tries to create awe and a sense of adventure, and fails miserably. How many, "She is beautiful to look at, but is a monster" can we take? There are far too many here.

Journey to the Edge of the Universe indeed. Guess what folks, there is no edge of the Universe. I was never a believer in the Big Bang theory either, now there seem to be others who opt for an alternative. There were some breathtaking images courtesy of Hubble, but nothing one hasn't seen before if you have been anywhere near a computer. Hard to picture the target audience for this one; Nine to twelve year old astronomy buffs perhaps, but they would get bored with it too. Two stars out of Ten for the computer animation.
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