China O'Brien (1990)
'Citizen Kane' of Cynthia Rothrock
6 April 2015
How does this have such a low ranking on IMDb? Obviously the only people whom would actually watch this film are Cynthia Rothrock fans. Hence, they should all love this movie. The story works perfectly.

The plot: This is obviously a rehash of 'Walking Tall' except Cynthia Rothrock is a lot more eye pleasing than Joe Don Baker!

Cute little China resigns as a big city cop after shooting a criminal in self defense. Isn't that a requirement of being a cop in the first place?

Whatever, it gives China an excuse to "never hold a gun again" and move back to her small home town where her father's the sheriff.

But just like 'Walking Tall' Norman Rockwell's small town as become crime ridden and too corrupt to stop by legal means.

Richard Norton is also along for the ride (a requirement of all great Rothrock films) as an Australian who left the US special forces to become a small town school teacher. Whatever, just go with it.

The big event comes when Sheriff O'Brien and his deputy are killed in a car bombing. Meaning it's up to China herself to run for sheriff.

There are obviously many mob tactics to destroy China's campaign, giving us plenty of scenes for Rothrock to beat the living crap out of people. LOTS of groin kicks, and Rothrock's patented over her head back kick.

So this organized crime syndicate is affective enough to just let criminals walk free from jail and bold enough to car bomb the entire police force? But when it comes time to dealing with China all they have are a bunch of fat unarmed thugs? As with most Kung Fu films, random objects become weapons. Aren't these organized criminals smart enough to bring their own weapons? Like clubs, knives, or even.... guns?

Rothrock's films have never been accused of being logical so why start now? She's going with what works. And in 'China O'Brien' everything works. It's the classic story of a lone sheriff taking on a crime ridden town, Rothrock looking cute as always, Richard Norton, and most importantly Rothrock beating the living crap out of everyone for 90 minutes!

How can you NOT love this film?
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