Exeter (2015)
Fumbling around between comedy and horror, then falls down like an intoxicated teenager
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If audience can overlook how people would throw a party at an abandoned asylum, then there are more illogical things Exeter would throw at them. It starts off pretty well with moody ambiance, then it strays with lots of inconsistent plot devices and tremendous amount of clichés. As one might expect, jump scares and the accompanied blaring sound effect are just the first line of typical horror cheap scare it has in store. At the very least, with some gore and silly scenes, it may just be amusing enough.

Excluding the fact that asylum is the least sanitary location to set a party, these moronic party goers are also performing supernatural acts. There are every cliché in the book; poor attempt at exorcism, bizarre communication with other entity, superhuman strength for antagonist, sexy girls with skimpy outfit, loud bangs for shock value and things spawning out of the screen. It's almost a compilation of trend for the last decade of horror movie.

Characters are far from likable, even the lead is like Sam from Transformers and he mumbles just the same. The movie jokingly portrays them in exaggerated stereotypical personalities, but it ends up defining them. It has the sympathetic lead, the jock, the joker and the questionable blond. Perhaps, it would be better as a full blown parody, one character even prances around with underwear the entire time, but it takes itself seriously half the time with brooding back story.

After series of predictable set pieces, it doesn't really set anything original. Some of the gore scenes are quite brutal and they might just be the highlights of the movie. A few of the scenes are pretty fun with enough self-deprecation, they are probably because the stupid character get what is coming to them. The practical effect works well for the gore, although this doesn't exactly replace horror.

It offers a few chuckles and not much thrill. It'd be better if the movie can decide to focus on comedy or horror, but apparently it already has a tough time deciding its title.
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