Bad enough to make one doubt IMDb ratings forever
14 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Divergent was not brilliant, but it was your average young adult movie. Insurgent is way below that. It is so bad that I wanted to leave the theater and read my book.

But anyway, let's talk about the movie. In the first film Tris learns she is special, in the second she learns she is *very* special, but just if her boyfriend lets her do anything. Seriously, I actually had to ask my wife if girls like guys like him or is it just the submissive fantasy of the author. Apparently, a lot of girls like overbearing assholes who think they know what is better for you. And guess who makes her appearance in the sequel? The mother in law!

Bottom line: the sci-fi aspect of the film was marginal, the characters clichéd to the point of monomolecular cardboard and the basic story was learning to accept yourself as your boyfriend tells you what to do while he deals with his mommy issues. I am not kidding: the most sympathetic character in Insurgent was Peter, the asshole who always insults and betrays everybody.

P.S. The Erudite test was remembering something that had happened to you two nights ago? Really? That's what makes you smart?
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