Three classic tales, quite literally Exposed!
22 May 2015
Essentially this is a far more adult retelling of the classic fairy tales- Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, with some "slight" deviations- the wicked queen eats Snow White's supposed lady bits, Sleeping Beauty needs a lot more than a kiss to "fully" awaken and Cinderella's evil stepsisters actually cut off parts of there feet.

Well what can be said about this, a strange mix of nudity, sex, comedy and some very mild gore, however what comes over far more is the light moments, its actually quite funny at times. The story follows two brothers going through the forest, they first find Snow White, then stumble into what appears to be an orgy where everyone's out cold including Sleeping Beauty herself and finally Cinderella. The story zips along at a fair old pace with each situation becoming more outrageous and ridiculous as it goes, from animals trying to get it on with Ms White to her and the brothers sucking on a cows udders (its a very bizarre scene). Usually acting, direction, writing and all other technical aspects of a film would be up for review but in such a picture to look to seriously at such a film would be pointless and frankly stupid, because all of its absurdities add to the charm of it all.

Unbelievably the Director Of Public Prosecutions here in the UK decided in its "wisdom" that this totally harmless film should be added to the Section 3 nasty list, meaning it could be seized by the police as obscene, because of violence not sex or nudity shockingly, shamefully ridiculous. It's a fun, silly little film that entertains through its bizarre story and set-pieces, although certainly not for all tastes, but if cult audiences take it for what it is go along for the ride and they'll be thoroughly entertained.
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