"It's like we had both ran out of ideas" (1:17:03; DVD edition)
31 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it seems they completely ran out of ideas by the end of the movie. It turns out, two parents had a son, he was born with a dental defect and they took him for a monster. You'll realize this when the mother says, "Giulio was a monster", and then, she explains "he was born that way... look at his teeth". So, because the boy had bad teeth and he seemed like a monster to them, they decided to isolate him in the forest. They found other persons with special needs to live with them in order for the boy to have "a normal life." One day the boy bit his father's hand and somehow managed to bit off his finger, so they had this great illuminating 'eureka' moment, they had the brilliant idea of feeding him human flesh. So, they went out and started to kill... to feed their child... like any parent would, the mother explains. Brilliant, just brilliant!
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