This one's as bad as they get.
3 June 2015
A NASA space probe returns from Venus, carrying a cargo of radioactive goop. When it crashes back onto Earth, the goop is allowed to infect the nearest possible victim: a weasel. The weasel was already not doing so hot since it was rabid in the first place. It is then transformed into a big ugly mutant monster that claims a couple of victims. Not to fear, for an intrepid inspector named Cameron (John Smihula) is on the case.

Granted, it is cool that Nathan Schiff, apparently just 16 years old when this was made, was actually able to get this completed. That in itself is an achievement, especially if this little offering has attained any sort of cult status. That still doesn't negate the fact that, objectively speaking, the movie *is* a turd. It's a slowly paced, exposition heavy, terribly acted clunker with oodles of stock music, truly tacky special effects and splatter, and an inane script. It's hard to believe that "Weasels Rip My Flesh" is as crude as it is, until one sees it for themselves.

Still, it's somewhat fascinating in spite of itself. Hell, it's even pretty funny on occasion. Fred Borges is an absolute hoot as the deranged Dr. Sendam, who hopes to exploit the monster for his own ends. And it *does* have an absolutely hilarious twist ending.

Recommended only to the most patient and adventurous of B movie fanatics.

Five out of 10.
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