A Bit Of A Nonsensical Farce
7 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! What an absolute mess of a film this was. The story just jumped about all over the place; the acting wasn't the best (but at least it wasn't awful, I suppose); it wasn't scary; there was no tension or suspense. Just a bad film all round really.

At the Devil's Door is one of those films you have to really pay attention to as well because it jumps back and forth from one moment in time to another, so if you don't watch you'll end up getting lost very easily. Although in saying that, you're not missing much if you do get lost, because this film is just awful so it's not as if you'll kick yourself if do you miss anything. It's also pretty hard to pay attention when nothing really happens for 90 minutes, and you find yourself wanting to do something more interesting...like watching paint dry.

I guess the story idea itself isn't all that bad (I've seen worse after all), but the direction and the execution of the script makes it worse than it actually is. There are no lead-up's to the different scenes...they just follow on from one another randomly and are all put together like a disjointed jigsaw. It actually got pretty painful to watch for about the last 20 minutes (well, the pain started before then if truth be told), and I just wanted it to end quickly.

The only real good parts of the film were a couple of creepier moments. Well, the ONLY creepy moments in the film actually - all two of them - in which there were glimpses of the demon, with the first viewing being a scene that involved it's glowing eyes...not to dissimilar to that of The Amityville Horror (1979), which I must admit was executed well. If only there were more scenes like this because apart from those, there was nothing happening in this film.

At the Devil's Door isn't the worst film I've ever seen, but it's still miles from being a below average horror, and you'd be better off giving something else a go in all honesty.
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