Cop Car (2015)
A very good slice of Bacon
25 June 2015
I guess you would have to describe Cop Car as a high concept movie, i.e. a film whose story can succinctly be described in one sentence. This is essentially about a couple of kids who steal a cop car belonging to a sheriff who it soon transpires is a very bad man. Do not let the simplicity of the set-up put you off though, as this is a lean film with a lot of good things about it. Firstly, we have the two young boys who are a great central pairing; they really act like genuine kids and are very sympathetic and humorous throughout. Secondly, we have Kevin Bacon giving yet another good performance as the bad cop. Thirdly, this is well-paced and builds quite a bit of tension as events escalate to an ending that is a little surprising. Fourthly, it's a rather well photographed and scored affair, with the sparse Colorado plains scenery shot nicely in widescreen.

This is a very good example of a film that keeps things simple while never forgetting to entertain and surprise. It's well acted, photographed and directed. It has well-handled suspense and characters you actually care about. Can't say fairer than that really.
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