Standard men-on-a-mission drama
27 June 2015
SUICIDE COMMANDOS is a very matter-of-fact Italian WW2 movie and yet another of their men-on-a-mission story lines. This time around, an elite British commando squad are tasked with parachuting into Germany to destroy an airfield that's been used to laugh a massive air attack against Allied positions. The odds are stacked against them, so will they win out against their overwhelming enemy?

Despite the inherently exciting premise this is quite ordinary stuff, made with a modicum of excitement extracted from the very familiar scenario. The big name star here is Aldo Ray, an American actor who made a career out of war movies. The low budget of the production is apparent from the relative small scale of the shoot-outs and attacks, but there's plenty of melodrama along the way as various members of the group are injured and sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Director Camillo Bazzoni is an unknown quantity, having only directed four features during his long career (a war film, a western, and two crimes).
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