Starts brilliantly - ends terribly!
2 July 2015
What happened? The first five episodes of this series were absolutely fantastic! Like a Harry Potter for grownups (who don't like Harry Potter much). The alternative history aspects were intriguing, the production design and values were fabulous and the acting top-notch (especially from Bertie Carvel and Charlotte Riley, who were superb). I honestly thought it was the best thing BBC had made in years…

Then I sat down and watched the final two episodes. … And the whole thing just descended into utter nonsense. Everything promising about the show crumbled into dust, and it became like watching the last hour of one of the poorer Harry Potter movies. I haven't read the JS & Mr N novel, but can only imagine the overriding plot about the Raven King and the world of the Fairies was explained better in the book, because it made absolutely no sense at all here. After the show worked hard to establish some great characters and relationships, the final two episodes abandoned all this for a series of "get this thing here" "do this spell" and "fight this" set pieces, which made no sense at all.

Hugely disappointed. Can't remember seeing something so promising end so badly. What a missed opportunity.

Riley and Carvel were great though.
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