The Twilight Zone: Walking Distance (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
7 July 2015
Extremely appealing and heartfelt early 'Twilight Zone' episode stars Gig Young. Mr. Young plays Martin Sloan, a rather gruff business executive. One day he brings his car to a service station, and realizes that the hometown of his childhood is within walking distance. So he moseys on over there, and is magically transported back in time to 1934. He meets the younger incarnation of his mother (Irene Tedrow), father (Frank Overton),...and the young version of himself (Michael Montgomery).

It's only human nature to often long for the simpler times of our youth, something series creator Rod Serling keeps in mind throughout. There are certainly some joys that are wonderful to experience again, such as an ice cream soda for a mere 10 cents. However, as Martin comes to realize, one "can't go home again". The past is over, which all of us must accept, as hard as that may be at times. We can only live in the moment or look towards the future.

Much like Marty McFly learned, years later in "Back to the Future", Martin sees that there can be consequences from messing with a timeline. As honest and sincere as his intentions are, it's obviously not such a smart thing to try to reach out to his younger self.

Serlings' dialogue is literate and beautiful, and brought to life by a superb cast. Another heavy asset is the lovely score by Bernard Herrmann.

Very well done overall.

10 out of 10.
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