If this teaches kids not to believe in themselves the movie might win.
11 July 2015
It wasn't the acting that bothered me at all. I thought the acting was pretty good. The entire concept of this movie, the world we live in, and how it shatters our dreams is what tormented me about this film. I respected the work that went into it enough to finish watching but after I was done I felt like I needed to forget all about it and never watch it again. Why is that? There are people in this world who say they are going to do something and follow through with their actions. There are people in this world who try something a few times, then quit, and just let life take them as they drift away into a meaningless existence. I felt like this movie was trying to teach me to go drift away into a meaningless existence. It is a very depressing, cold hard dose of reality that shows us how most younger musicians view themselves today. They feel their talents aren't important enough to make a living out of it so they go end up doing some job that they hate and stay miserable. To sum it up take three former band mates, put them out in the middle of nowhere, and let them drink until they feel better about giving up on their instruments. I wasn't sold. By the end of the movie I wanted to go write myself a masterpiece and I was not going to let the movie defeat me.
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