Plague (2014)
Unlikeable Main Characters Ruins The Film
21 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This flick started out great, it throws you right into an interesting situation and makes you excited to find out what will happen next, however that excitement doesn't last very long.

The interesting characters quickly exit the film in the first 15 minutes and we are left with nothing but the female lead, who is just plain out uninteresting. Then we meet her husband who is equally boring, this is a guy who minutes ago our female lead was ready risk the lives of 4 survivors to rescue but now she just doesn't seem to care about him. 50 minutes of lazy dialogue and an antagonist who is super poor developed leads to a very dumb finale.

In a film that focuses solely on 3 people it would be nice to care about at least one of them but you won't, the female lead is suppose to be the person we are rooting for but I found it hard to do so since she causes about 85% of the conflict in the film. Overall this was just a pretty boring a pointless flick, I get that they were going for a psychological thriller type film but it just didn't work for me.

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