Infected with clichés and with a tone that wanders.
22 August 2015
First off, I actually went in wanting/expecting to like it. It got a lot of good buzz at various film festivals. I was wrong. Granted, I finished it, I'll give it that, and to be fair, it wasn't hard to finish. Unfortunately, at some point every scene had me thinking, "Really? Are you serious?"

My initial reaction is that it's one of those movies that just doesn't know what tone it's trying to pull off. It has elements that remind me of everything from Army of Darkness, to Mad Max, to Dawn of the Dead, but doesn't mix them in a way that feels unified. Then there's the clichés; from your somewhat racist dumb/naive native/aboriginal caricature, to the mad government scientist, to the man who's lost everything and now is unstoppable because he has nothing to live for.... and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's almost like they went to TV Tropes and looked up every zombie movie cliché imaginable then tried to include it in their movie.

All this isn't to say it's bad. As I said, I finished it, and I wasn't bored, but I can't really say I enjoyed it either. The makeup work, costumes, prop/set design and practical effects were good, even excellent in some respects. The CG however... not so much. You know those CG videos on YouTube where people are showing off what they can do by giving cats lightsabers, or mutant powers, or making Nerf guns look like they're shooting bullets? That's what the CGI in this movie reminds me of. For example, all the zombie exhale this mist-like gas, and every time you see it, it's just about groan worthy. You know the bad cold breath CG effect from The Social Network everyone complains about? Yeah, this makes that look good.

Overall, it's a perfectly decent movie to waste a couple hours on, especially if you keep your expectations low.
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