Possessed (2014)
Horror, satire and flamenco, a claymation gem from Spain!
26 August 2015
This was a very fun film. It is one part Spain culture satire, one part horror film tribute, but over all, is an enjoyable dark comedy.

Trini is the greatest flamenco dancer the world has known and is married to Gregorio, the best and most liked bull fighter in Spain. After Gregorio's death, Trini becomes depressed and their son, Damien, starts acting evilly, and showing symptoms of being possessed.

We also follow the story of Father Lenin, an intrepid catholic priest working for a corrupt bishop. Father Lenin will soon have to put his faith to test and seek his own redemption.

The film is satirical in nature and i could understand that some jokes are too local or can lose some meaning in the translation to other languages, but i don't think it makes it less enjoyable. It also looks very well, although animation is a little rough in some scenes, specially in the ones that make use of CGI. Some scenes can be offensive to sensitive persons because it has a little of racial stereotypes, religion criticism, graphic death scenes and "nudity", but is all part of the dark comedy experience.

I liked the story, the references to other films and pop culture, the art direction, and it made me laugh out loud through out the whole film. A great animated film from Spain.
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