Very Uneven and Convoluted
1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is well known primarily for the accompanying Phil Collins song. The bad news is that you'll have to sit through this lumpy mess to hear it play over the closing credits.

Bridges plays a football player who gets cut two games into the season despite catching the winning TD pass and to all reports playing well. It's some kind of cost-cutting move, one that his sleazy agent (who now also represents the teams slimy owner) goes along with. So Bridges' sleazy gambler/clubowner/gangster buddy Woods decides to hire Bridges (for whom playing with some other team isn't even considered) to track down his ex-girlfriend who happens to be the owner's daughter. Despite no apparent PI skills, Bridges flies to Cozumel and by wandering around with a snapshot quickly locates her. She's pretty much a beyotch (would have to have something wrong to have been Woods' moll), but since the film needs to move along these two good looking people soon "fall in love". The rest of the film consists of various twists and turns involving point-shaving and blackmail so that the owner can develop some prime LA property. Multiple actions along the way are head-scratchers and the climactic confrontation at the development site is a big let-down.

Bridges and Ward look good (her upsweep hairdo notwithstanding), but they have little chemistry. For an 80s film, her role required more skin than she showed and her acting is wan. Woods does show why he became a sleaze archetype. A couple scenes are so stupid as to undercut the entire film, including the secretary trying to get the "treasure chest" in front of a leering Doberman (who were big in film at the time). There is an excellent car race scene though.

The biggest WTH moment though is when Bridges and Ward are copulating in a Mayan temple in the middle of freaking nowhere when Alex Karras - Bridges' old coach - walks in on them.

Get the song on iTunes but miss this film.
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