TVF Pitchers (2015–2022)
Pitcher Perfect !!!
5 September 2015
I had only just heard of TVF. I knew they were into making spoof videos. I wasn't aware of what Pitchers is. Or the fact that there was a Permanent Roommates before it.

And then, one morning, I woke up to a post on Facebook. I do not remember whether it was a news article or a post share. All I remember is the content: TVF Pitchers had secured a spot on IMDb's Top 250 TV Shows.

At first I was surprised. When did IMDb start a Top 250 for TV Shows. Even more surprising was the thought that if Pitchers had a place here, then it wasn't a spoof video. It was much more. What was it ? I searched, read and quickly realized what it was; a dream of millions of youngsters waiting to be realized that had come into fruition. And suddenly I saw the possibilities; no longer would we have to wait eagerly for the next season of The Big Bang Theory to begin or no longer would we have to wait for Season 3 of Silicon Valley to start. We could have our own. Indian shows, at par with their American counterparts, using Indian history, culture, memes, jokes and situations Indians could identify with.

I set myself up to watch this. But then I thought, following chronology would be better. And so I started, not with Pitchers but with Permanent Roommates. Saw all 5 episodes and quickly realized, yes, the doors have opened. Of course, the Indian version of 24 had proved it. But this solidified it. The possibilities were now endless.

Then I started watching Pitchers. I started with the first episode. In the first 10 minutes ending with the show's opening (the gang of four walking into a bar), it was already a winner. The production values, cinematography, the catchy opening intro, writing, the analogy with beer (brilliant piece of writing), flawlessly smooth editing, it was all there. Right there. And all in the first 10 minutes.

I thought maybe it'll lose its first episode charm. I was wrong. With each passing episode came sequences and situations that were not only believable and highly identifiable but situations that you actually felt with, connected with and reacted with. From Naveen's speech, to the frustrated software engineer Jeetu's outburst, you not only feel every moment but feel like applauding and clapping with them.

There will be a Permanent Roommates Season 2. There will be a Pitchers, Season 2. There will be more shows. But there can be much more. There can be short films. There can be full fledged 2 hour internet movies (at Hollywood Standards so that we can bid Bollywood goodbye). There can even be a TVF's dedicated channel (if the government allows it that is).

But most importantly, this is the beer for all content that will follow. This is it; this is the spark we all needed to realize that yes, its possible. We don't need TV channels, huge production budgets, lots and lots of crew members to make it happen. We need dedication. And with Pitchers, we've seen that dedication. We've seen that quality. More inspiring than its story-line of four friends creating is a startup, is the fact that TVF created Pitchers.

Hopefully, Pitchers inspires people to create. If not a startup, then perhaps several shows that will take Indian entertainment several steps forward. Of course we have Permanent Roommates. And we have Office Office. And the Indian version of 24 (if at all there are more seasons). And we will always have several other shows. But then, maybe in the distant future, Pitchers will be remembered as the show that started it all. Or the one that changed it all for India.

And this, I feel, is why Pitchers deserves a watch. At least once !!!
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