Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (2012)
Season 7, Episode 2
We've had Snakes on a Plane, now it's time for Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
7 September 2015
The Doctor, Nefertiti, Riddell Amy, Rory and his dad travel on to a spaceship which is on course to crash into the Earth in approximately 6 hours time.

Moffat has pretty much avoided the family thing, so it's nice that we get to see Rory's dad, Brian's a good character, Mark Williams always brings fun.

At the start I honestly thought I was watching a Carry on Film, lots of slapstick humour. I love the idea of the Doctor travelling with Nefertiti. She was lots of fun. Brian and his balls was too much. Riddell and his large weapon, c'mon!!

CGI work on the dinosaurs was pretty good, at least they weren't rubber. The Pterodactyls look really impressive as does the Silurian ship.

I like the originality of the Doctor having essentially 5 companions, very novel, if you thought the TARDIS was crowded with Adric, Nyssa and Tegan forget it!!

The Mitchell and Webb robots are rather horrendous, they feel a little silly. David Bradley is an excellent villain, he is so vile in it, his treatment of Nefertiti is gross.

I am getting weary of the Doctor picking up and dropping off Rory and Amy every week, it's getting tiring, and it's always months later.

It's a nice fun episode for the family, not a great deal for the die hards. More good then bad. 6/10
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