Horsehead (2014)
A movie about a nightmare, is a nightmare - who would have guessed?
12 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion I'm being slightly generous about the ranking that I give this movie. I think the only good parts (excuse my being a simple minded male at this time) was the bathtub scene. Not the battle between 'Horsehead' and our trusty wolf totem, not the story line (or the lack of), nothing. The bosom of our main character is quite possibly the only appeal this movie has, that and the intriguing horse headed figure.

Not many remember their dreams thoroughly upon waking, nor any time thereafter. If any recollection is made of the startling dream, it's usually a jumbled mess. As is the case with this film - maybe that was the intent? I couldn't help but take a glance or two at my cellphone as there were a few REALLY dull moments.

My speakers were acting up for the first five to ten minutes so I missed most of that dialogue, however even so I can validly state that I feel I did not miss too much important information at all. Moving along; The main character studies deep sleep and how to control her dreams and such (again, I honestly wasn't giving this movie my undivided attention - and there's no way I'm bound to watch it again) she finds herself waking to hear her grand mother in the next room (her deceased grand mother) she keeps going on about finding a key (said key is later found and utilized) and it is not found. Her grand mother soon turns around revealing a face that looks like it had been torn. She (the main character) then wakes after some incontinent flashes of herself being crucified and her rolling around in bed whilst the lights flicker for some odd reason even though, if I remember correctly at the beginning of the film her mother hands her a new set of bulbs. (What?) <<< Lets stop here... The bulbs are flickering because an entity IN HER DREAM, is haunting her..? I don't remember Freddy Kruger making the lights flicker in the physical world. However I could be wrong, don't quote me it's been quite a few years since I've watched that series. >>> Then she wakes and speaks with her mother about the short images she witnessed in her dreams, her mother seems concerned and then she goes back to sleep shortly after the discussion and the nonsense begins again. Only this time she referred to an audio recording of what I presumed was a lecture from her professor. This instructed her to take a photograph blablablablah, look at her hands blablablah (full details are in the film) to help control her dream and she begins speaking with her grand mother. Her grandmother tells her to follow the wolf, not the horse, always run from the horse. OH! Excuse my inaccuracy, THIS is where the nude crucifying came in. Anyways, I'll skip a few hours of detail. She decides it's a good idea (after her mother's boyfriend suggested it) to go to a church near by (in her dream) and this is where we see our friendly wolf totem fight the satanic horse headed figure. <<< This whole costume reminded me of what I like to call Pyramid Face (Head) from Silent Hill >>> They then engage in an obvious one sided combat where the wolf then dies. THIS, THIS is where the key is found. Our main character finds the wolf's carcass and goes "Hey lets reach inside of this cadaver and see what I can find!" She then pulls out (Drum roll please) THE KEY!!! OH GOOD, now she can go and figure out what this not-so-bloody-comparatively-even-though- it-was-pulled-out-of-a-dead-wolf's-flesh key unlocks. (WAAAIIIT!!! How did the key get into the wolf, how did she by any means decide to take a gander inside the wolf, whaaat is going on?!) She walks into the church and she sees (AND EVEN HELPS) her mother give birth to a stillborn (her twin sister) and herself. (Think that's bad? A couple scenes before she made out with her mother, YUP!!! MADE. OUT. WITH. (((WITH))) HER. MOTHER! ...Interesting dreams she's having... SO! The key, isn't really a key - I mean it is, in a sense, but it's also SUDDENLY A WEAPON TO STAB INTO THE ABDOMEN OF THE HORSE GUY! See how random that was? Well... That's pretty much how it goes down in the movie as well... She then twists the enlarged key and it makes a grinding noise inside of the abdomen and she unlocks a door. (OH!!! You know when you see terrible actors holding the sword at their side pretending to be stabbed in the abdomen? IT'S IMPLEMENTED IN THIS MOVIE! IT'S NOT EVEN AT A DECENT ANGLE SO YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT. IT'S AS BLATANT AS AN ORANGE IN THE MILK SECTION BECAUSE SOME JERK WAS TOO LAZY TO WALK 10 METERS TO GO PUT IT BACK!) MOVING ALONG.... She walks through the door revealing what looks to be an amniotic sac then surprisingly (not) her twin sister pops out, they hug and then she dies in reality.

The ONLY way I can make sense of this movie is that the unborn sister was envious that the living sister was in fact alive she became jealous and then began to haunt her and lure her away toward death eventually succeeding. The wolf was a protector to stop her from doing so (maybe) and the horse head was like an omen of impending doom.


The trailer was intriguing, there's bare chested-ness, there's dubstep music, the movie is entirely random and as fun deciphering as the enigma code... Wouldn't recommend this to anyone who values their time.
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