Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror (2013)
Season 7, Episode 12
Enter cackling old crone.....
15 September 2015
It's Yorkshire 1893, and things are grim, people are dying of the Crimson horror.

Jack the Ripper is the definite vibe.

Mrs Gillyflower, she is the most stereotypical old crone ever used in a TV show, from the black outfits down to the cackling laughing, initially I found her heavily underused, but on re-watching I think she's good, clichéd, but fun. I truly love both Diana Rigg and Rachel Stirling, an acting dynasty! Smith has some very good scenes with both.

Gorgeous to look at this episode is truly eye candy. I love the imagery of the people in display cases, looks brilliant. Sweetville itself also looks fabulous.

I do love the Vastra, Strax and Jenny trio, come on give them a spin off series, they deserve it! Jenny in particular, why not make her companion for a few episodes.

This one, as with the Journey to the centre of the TARDIS had every possibility of being a classic, but it just fails to hit the mark in a great way. The trouble is for a lot of the episode very little actually happens, very good all the same, just a bit more style then substance. I applaud it for being different, 8/10
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