The Old Man and the Song of Satan.
16 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Newcomer Ed Nelson has a unique way of making friends... and losing them. He introduces himself to town-folk as the nephew of a recently deceased resident whom nobody liked, a hermit who was found dead covered in blood along side a goat which obviously had its throat slit. Bizarre goings on reveal that Nelson isn't the nice man he appears to be, and the town doctor and sheriff try to discover what is really behind all of the recent tragic events. The sudden attack of the rival to Nelson's attempt to win the doctor's daughter by his devoted dog, the discovery of a trampled body of the town drunk, and other bizarre happenings prove that something spiritually evil is taking place.

Nelson, a cult actor who found romantic leads on the soap operas "Peyton Place" and "Capital", is a bizarre presence, his easy going demeanor hiding something truly foul. The poor drunk gets a first hand view, and his terror in realizing what he's witnessed isn't a hallucination is truly frightening. This is the type of horror movie that probably sent viewers immediately to church to pray or home to shower. It's cheaply made, adequately acted, and truly disturbing

I can't watch films like this and praise them simply for that reason, even though I think that later horror films like " Rosemary's Baby" and "The Omen" are classics among the genre. This has an element of trashiness to it that puts it in the classification of exploitation rather than a piece of art.
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