Very low budget and disappointing.
17 September 2015
I'm a fan of Michael Jai White and he's a decent actor in some things - The Dark knight but his real drawing point is his fighting skill like in Undisputed 2 and Blood and Bone so I expected lots of cool fighting amongst low budget B movie fun. I didn't get that. This movie contains very little action and does not do a good job of showcasing White's skills which I find stupid considering the people who are going to watch this movie will want to see that.

The plot isn't all that bad to be honest, but it's just not backed up with anything meaningful. The director fails to create any tension or excitement which makes the short running time, 88 minutes really drag.

Steve Austin looks like he would be an awesome match up, a huge imposing guy and the idea that he goes toe to toe with White was an exciting prospect. But here he looks out of shape and he's supposed to a deadly assassin. A missed opportunity.
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