Harem Suare (1999)
18 September 2015
Strange film. The story of a historical "Fall", the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It makes you immediately think of movies by the gigantic Luchino Visconti such as "Ludwig" and "The Damned" (the original title translates as "The Fall of the Gods"). Dark colors, morbid atmospheres, perturbations, homosexuality open or veiled. And so on. And the story is good, well thought of. But unfortunately narrated too quickly and in a too confused way. To understand it (and again not completely) one must know well history and traditions of the Ottoman Empire, or at least of its last decades. What is really a Harem, which are the relationships of power between one woman and the others, why a very few of them become powerful and others remain behind, what's the position of the Valide, what it means for a woman to bear a male child to the Sultan, why exactly the small child of the main character is poisoned, why near the end the possible poisoner, the favorite of the Sultan, has to go with her son to Salonika? Because she must follow Abdul Hamit 2 in his exile, but one must know it by himself, the movie does not give any explanation whatsoever. All in all a good film, but could have been much better
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