Dry as a Saharan Desert, it was awful.
23 September 2015
I'm sorry but this is a complete disaster from cool to laughable and made me quit watching the film because of Reanu's crappy writing of killing Sharon off of the film, what a dick. I first thought that Sharon would be the main villain but no it was The Incredible's Craig T. Nelson as the main villain, in which he frames Jackson (Carl Weathers) by Nelson killing his wife (played by Sharon Stone. This was something that got me interested when I was 7 or 8, until now, it was just so horrible, I'm taking this quote from Frank Yablans on the Electric Boogaloo: The Wild untold story of Cannon Films documentary how to describe "Action Jackson". "It was dry as a Saharan desert, it was awful". I liked Lorimar for Full House TV series, but this is just awful for giving us nothing but junk. What a piece of crap that it should've been owned by Sony not WB, and really, why did the DVD and Blu-ray covers of this film has Sharon stone in the background, she is killed early in the film, you dicks at Warner Brothers, you should've put Craig T Nelson in it. What such a dumb f**k
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