Heroes Reborn (2015–2016)
Who wrote this script? It's really bad, people don't act like that irl
27 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The overall plot isn't bad, but it isn't great either. What really made the first episode terrible is how badly written the script is, its the little things that are just so odd and make the story seem forced. Its like reading a bad story written by a 15 year old.

Why would one have a soda can while giving a speech? why would one bring alcohol to a school? and then poor it into a soda can WHILE giving a speech... a very forced attempt to show an alcoholic spiking his drink, when afterwards we see him drinking 3 or 4 other times. We get it, he's an alcoholic. How conveniently his brother waits until morning to suddenly die, so he can say good bye ...

The girl and the bully boyfriend. uhggg... This cliché was carried out in the most cliché way ever, and then at the school they were just hanging out in a random shed. And the cheerleaders carrying the pom poms everywhere like they are about to do a flash mob. Why is a 15 year old girl giving interviews for a job she works part time at?

In Japan the girl has her door unlocked, and has only just seemed to notice her dad has gone missing. When she opens his office, the place is covered in dust, but the lights are already on.

And that couple that goes around killing everyone... I just don't get there motivation... loosing a kid (i think thats what happened) doesn't make you evil, it makes you want revenge, but not to go around like psychopaths killing people without a second thought. They cannot pull off what Sylar did so well as an antagonist. Also they appeared to spend a couple days stuck in that room, didn't they get hungry or thirsty or need to pee during that time?

Why would Noah go so long not replacing his glasses? Obviously he needs them.

Who goes to an underground casino in broad daylight, dressed like that?

Also I hate how they have taken the easy plot line: Humans hating evos, its unoriginal, we've seen it before in X-men.

Its the small mannerisms that have been overlooked combined with awkward actions that make no sense. that ruined it for me. A couple things are okay, but everything combined makes for bad writing. You know like when someone has a suitcase or coffee cup and its obviously empty (looking at you grey's anatomy) its things like that that ruin a show, well done Heroes you did that. Please fire your directors and scriptwriters and get someone that knows how to make a show look at least decent.

I'm going to give it one more chance, but as much as I loved Heroes life is too short for bad TV.
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