This seven-minute animated short constitutes the origin story . . .
4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of Pepe Le Pew. It turns out that Mr. Le Pew of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies fame actually is a married skunk named Henry. Dissatisfied with his Life with Wife and Kids (there are at least two little ones in the picture), Henry yearns for a gayer Bisexual existence. When Henry's spouse (not named here) gives him a severe beating toward the end of ODOR-ABLE KITTY, the handwriting's on the wall: No more Mr. Nice Skunk. From now on, Hank will roam free under the Nom De Plum of "Pepe," johnny-on-the-spot to badger practically anything that moves--male, female, or other--for sexual favors. Henry\Pepe won't take suicide for an answer, as the tom cat who's actually the main character of ODOR-ABLE KITTY, learns here. Henry\Pepe is a textbook serial sexual harasser, and over the decades he's served as a role model for millions of victimizers who later protest that they were "Just Funning," or "playing doctor." One might wonder exactly HOW such a clear case of incipient perversion got MPAA American film censor board Seal of Approval #9494. But any student of Tawdry Town can answer that one. The MPAA's original logo is based upon a Vatican seal, and many of the same clerics who play "shuffle the pederast pedophile" have controlled the MPAA for the past 81 years.
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