Danger Mouse (2015–2019)
Fast, funny and wasted on CBBC
9 October 2015
Chances are nobody was really ready to put of the bunting when it was announced that 80s children's favourite Danger Mouse was being revived. After all said plenty online why not just show the David Jason era episodes again, its not as if they've dated in any meaningful way - the new series essentially proves that to be true as they have changed very little in terms of tone and style. Sure the visuals are slicker but they are very much patterned after the original look and feel while the script and voice characterisation could almost be lifted straight. The casting is pretty much perfect Alexander Armstrong as DM knows when to raise a vocal eyebrow and Kevin Eldon is perfect as Penfold, capturing the essential traits of the little guy who'd love to be big if only he was brave enough (and actually he's happy enough leaving the derring-do stuff to Danger Mouse). The stories are as daft as a brush and all the better for it - its hard not be smile when the villain in an episode is a toilet which has gone through an unintended forced software upgrade. The gags come quick and often and many of the quips will surely zoom right over the heads of the supposed core audience. As such Danger Mouse is arguably wasted on CBBC and instead would make a nice piece of tie-in programming with Pointless on BBC One - after all they have the same lead in both!
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