Bringing Miss Christie into the 20th century.... finally!
17 October 2015
I realize that Partner's in Crime has been "done" before.... but at least this time they filmed outside the sound stage! We found the series entertaining. It was filmed in this century and although the stories are not "true" to Miss Christie's original books, written in oh, 1929, they are fun, suspenseful, and do make you ask yourself the question... "who done it?" We have watched both sets of Partner's in Crime running on Acorn TV, and although we started watching the older set first, we actually did prefer this production better. It was a disappointment when we reached the last show for the year. We would like to see the series continue. For those that gave poor reviews, remain living in the past and continue to re-read your paperbacks, and stay away from the "telly" No point kicking and screaming into this century when you are so comfortable reliving your past. One final rant, if BBC didn't remake something what ever would you watch? It seems all the good programing we stream from the UK tends to have a life span of two years at most. Evidently you prefer to watch and rewatch tired old programs from the last century! Bravo BBC carry on! We here in "the colonies" love your new programs, and would be thrilled to find season, two, three, four, five.....Partner's in Crime!
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