Review of Ol' Buddy

The Gallant Men: Ol' Buddy (1963)
Season 1, Episode 23
Not bad
20 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
THE GALLANT MEN: Ol' Buddy 1963

"The Gallant Men" was an American television series that debuted on ABC in the fall of 1962. It followed a company of US soldiers from the Sept 1943 invasion at Salerno, and their battles up the boot of Italy. The series ran for a total of 26 episodes during 1962-63. Leading the cast is Robert McQueeney, who also narrates the story. McQueeney is a newspaper reporter who follows the company on their exploits. (Sort of an Ernie Pyle clone) The rest of the regulars are played by, William Reynolds, Robert Ridgely, Francis X Slattery, Eddie Fontaine, Roland La Starza, Roger Davis and Robert Gothie. There are the standard types sprinkled throughout, the joker, the card sharp, the loner etc. This is the 23rd episode.

While out on a night patrol, Private Robert Gothie is left behind after a German ambush. The rest of the patrol, believe he was killed along with another soldier in the ambush. Gothie, though wounded, has indeed survived. He drags himself to a farmhouse and hides in the cellar.

This turns out to be perhaps not the wisest place to go to ground. The house is being used by a squad of Germans as an observation post. Gothie, as it so happens, can speak German. He listens in on all the radio chatter outside the cellar as the German's report to their headquarters.

Back at the American lines, Gothie's best pal, Roland La Starza, decides to head back out and see if his pal is really dead. La Starza finds the one dead G.I. but not his pal, Gothie. So now he creeps up on the farmhouse for a look see.

He finds Gothie holed up in the cellar and they prepare to vacate the place. Gothie has some info he needs to get back to his officers. The Germans have pulled out leaving only a small squad to hold the area. They are setting up new entrenchments further back in the hills. The two get involved in a quick firefight with a few Germans but make it back with the info.

OK, but nothing special.
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