Thunderbolt (1995)
Not the best from Chan! 3/10
23 October 2015
Review: Is there anything that Jackie Chan can't do? Maybe a decent comedy! Anyway, he now turns his death-defying abilities to drag racing were he plays a former racing car champion, fighting to put a stop to an illegal drag racing driver, Cougar (Thorsten Nickel) who has the cops in his pocket and a group of killers behind him. Jackie Chans life becomes in danger when he goes to the police to tell them about Cougars illegal racing and when Cougar is freed from jail, he targets Chan and his family for putting him in jail. He kidnaps 2 of Chans sisters because he wants to challenge Chan to a race, so with the help of a journalist and a wealthy sponsor, Chan puts together a team to build a perfect car for the race. With freeing his sisters in his mind, Chan prepares for the race which will prove whose the best, even with Cougars life threatening tactics and they hit the track for the final showdown. It's not the greatest of story lines but there are some decent action scenes. I'm not one for watching drag racing because I find it quite boring, so the showdown at the end wasn't that amazing either. The mixture of subtitles and English language, also made it a bit hard to concentrate on the plot but it's not over complicated like a lot of Jackie Chans movies that were made for a Western audience. The epic scenes with the containers were impressive, along with the stunts in the cars but from an entertainment point of view, I have seen much better movies from Jackie Chan. Average!

Round-Up: This big budget movie from Gordon Chan, who brought you the Medallion, which also starred Chan and Fist of Legend which starred Jet Li, wasn't bad for an unknown movie from Chan but the guy who played the villain, Thorsten Nickel, was terrible. Chans acting wasn't bad, especially in that dramatic scene when he was in hospital but the whole drag racing concept became uninteresting after a while. On the whole, it's a watchable movie which hasn't got the unfunny comedy scenes which I have grown to dislike from Chan in the latter part of his career but he won't be remembered for it.

Budget: $30million Worldwide Gross: N/A

I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/comedy/drama/martial arts movies starring Jackie Chan, Anita Yuen and Michael Wong. 3/10
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