connecting Hitler to Europe's present immigration problems
30 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, 'Er ist wieder da' (= German for 'Here he is again') stands out for the magnificent performance by Oliver Masucci of the Adolf Hitler-role -- which I think deserves an Oscar.

Carried by this, 'Er ist wieder da' makes a very German, if not European, film. Which, I guess, may be difficult to understand for Americans. In the end its plot focuses on European immigration, and everything that comes with it. Seriously presenting the issue in a neutral and correct way, indicating its big political complications.

But before we get there, the film offers plenty of fun. In particular in its beginning. Hitler wakes up on the same spot where he left in 1945: Berlin city center. And starts exploring the Berlin of 2014 with a full 1945-mindsetting. Thus releasing some great slapstick, which truly made tears of laughter stream down my cheeks.

However, it does not take Hitler long to discover email and internet. He understands its great potential very quickly, and gets on to a new huge career as a television-star.

So far the plot of 'Er ist wieder da'. As I said, a very German- styled film, that gradually goes down on the sensitive issue of connecting Hitler with Europe's present immigration problems. It does so in a credible way, thanks to Masucci's magnificent performance of the Adolf Hitler-role.
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