Not Exactly on the Cutting Edge
11 December 2015
After getting in an argument with their boss named "Shifty Joe" (David Marsh), two go-go dancers by the names of "Peaches" (Christina Whitaker) and "Lulu" (Elizabeth Kaitan) hear a gunshot and go to Shifty Joe's office to find out what's going on. When they get there the murderer named "Vinnie" (Mike Muscat) hands Lulu the gun and flees the scene. A moment later several people arrive in Shifty Joe's office and see his dead body and Lulu holding the gun. Unable to convince anyone that they are innocent they quickly make a break for it and head to Mexico in their car. Along the way they stop at a diner and when they are recognized they grab a waitress named "Darleen" (Tammara Souza) as a hostage and once again make a break for it. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that for a low-budget "bimbo movie" this one wasn't too bad as the plot was mildly entertaining, the wardrobes were pretty nice and Elizabeth Kaitan was certainly attractive. On the flip side, the comedy wasn't exactly on the cutting edge and it could have used a bit more sex appeal than what was shown. Again, it wasn't a bad movie but even so it wasn't that great either. Accordingly, I rate it as just slightly below average.
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