Not my preferred choice of animation
23 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed" or "Wak-Wak, ein Märchenzauber" is a German animated movie from the 1920s. Next year, it will have its 90th anniversary actually. The director is Lotte Reiniger and she made this one together with Walter Ruttmann and her husband Carl Koch. This film is, to me, an example of how first does not necessarily have to mean one of the best as this film here is one of the very first full feature animated movies. Current restored versions run for roughly 66 minutes. Sadly, I must say that this silhouette style is not exactly my preferred choice when it comes to the wonderful genre of animation. And as Reiniger basically only made films like these, I have never been that big on her. This film here is still fairly early from her extremely long career, she wasn't even 30 and made films basically until her death at the age of 82. The story is pretty fantastic in terms of princes, princesses, demons, witches, mythology etc. and I am sure that, if you like the style more than I did, you will have a fairly good time watching this. Maybe go check out one of Reiniger's many short films first and then decide if you like it and if you want to check out "The Adventures of Prince Achmed".
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