Mach 2 (2000)
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching this film as it gave me great pleasure in righteously ripping it to shreds with my fellow viewers. This movie doesn't need a spoiler alert as it is already spoiled.

The plot is simplistic in that a US senator travels to Balkans on a Concorde aeroplane and he possesses a computer disk implicating the vice-president in a plot to expand the war the senator is trying to mediate in so that that the US can sell arms to both side and thus keep the USA economy going. The bad ole secret service hijack the plane under the pretence of being a Balkan splinter group, steal the disks, kill the crew and radio the authorities it has a nuclear bomb on board then shoot the radio so that when they parachute to safety (But are then suddenly chased and killed by unknown attackers)the US navy without even asking the French send up fighters to try shoot it down over the French Alps.

Enter the hero who's name I cannot be bothered to recall. He and his pretty companions go about trying to get the plane back down, and one pretty thing having been given a radio kit as a present when a teenager promptly repairs the complex communication system on the Concorde with a Swiss army knife. Then the US navy F-14s take off with empty missile racks, but damage with missiles the Concorde fuel tanks located in its extreme tail. At this point communications are restored and the F-14 pilot who probably had never even seen a concord cockpit gives the hero a switch by switch briefing on how to control remaining fuel and engines. All this time the Concorde has been visible on the radar at both Dulles and Le Bourget simultaneously whilst it was mid Atlantic. The French and American Air Traffic can both seem to talk to the aircraft at the same time.

Enter the stereotype French disheveled Gaulloies smoking ex navy pilot controller who then talks the hero to land, lever by lever, even telling how much flap to lower which is strange as Concorde doesn't use flaps, but the hero manages to lower the wheels and the droop nose unaided on finals but mysteriously raises it before ploughing into the crash barrier. US registered ambulance then take away the injured whilst several US registered light aircraft sit on the apron, the backdrop view enhanced by the famous snow capped mountains that surround Paris. There is more.............Watch for WowII!
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