Octopussy (1983)
A Good, Solid Entry in the Series
8 January 2016
This film came out in 1983, the same year as the unofficial Bond film, "Never Say Never Again" starring Sean Connery. They had a box-office battle called "The Battle of the Bonds," and this film grossed a lot more and was, by a long shot, the better film as well. This is another fun Bond adventure with plenty to like.

Roger Moore is starting to show his age a little bit in this film, but he's still has his charm and can still seduce women and deliver the one-liners. Maud Adams, who was previously in "The Man With The Golden Gun," once again is pretty much wasted, which is a shame since she's the title character.

Louis Jordan as Kamal Khan is a very smooth and cool villain, and Steven Berkoff isn't as bad as most people say. The plot may be convoluted for some, but it's actually another fairly down-to-earth spy story.

The locales in India are very beautiful and the film doesn't disappoint as far as action goes. It has a brilliant plane chase in the pre-credit sequence, a chase through the streets of India, a struggle on top a train, and a nerve-racking climax with Bond hanging on to Khan's areoplane.

There are some incredibly silly elements that this film is infamous for. Bond dressing in a clown costume is one thing, but the Tarzan yell is a bit much. You'll enjoy the film if you just ignore those.

By no means is this Bond's "All-Time High" like Rita Coolidge's theme song says, but this is still a fun, suspenseful, action-packed entry in the Bond series. Well worth a look.

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