Felony (2013)
"Felony": Australian Dramatic Thriller Delivers with Solid Performances
11 January 2016
From thequickflickcritic.blogspot.com/

"Felony". A treatise on "What goes around, comes around". On doing what's right because, in the end, it's the only thing TO do. And on the age-old unwritten mandate that "Cops take care of their own."

That's a lot to bite off and chew, mate. The good news is that Director Matthew Saville and the stable of fine Australian acting talent at his behest more than pass muster here. Everyone steps up impressively to deliver a rock solid dramatic thriller with a constant current of conscience serving as it's foundation.

Namely, Tom Wilkinson is outstanding as ever, Joel Edgerton (so good in last year's "The Gift") is as dependable as fans like me have come to expect and Jai Courtney comports himself just fine, thank you. Wilkinson is the reason to watch "Felony". As great as he is, the veteran inveterate character actor continues to operate largely under the radar.

The time has long since passed that the damned radar zero in.

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