Tiger House (2015)
Keep your brain on ice for this one and you might just enjoy it
15 February 2016
Flawed in many ways, countless of plot holes and cringe-worthy set-ups I literally uttered out 'Really!?' at one point when the girl managed to cause a diversion with a alarm clock, won't spoil anything but when you see it you'll know what I am talking about.

But somehow it still managed to re-gain my interest even though it did through me out of the loop a bunch of times, so yeah you need to look past a lot of logical loopholes in this movie to enjoy it.

So even though the script is flawed in many ways the atmosphere, acting and visual managed to carry the movie up just enough to become a decent watch although far from great.

A similar movie that's better is 'THE AGGRESSION SCALE (2012)' so I'd recommend that before I recommend this but if you've seen that already and want to watch something similar than yeah this could be an acceptable choice, however don't expect it to be as good as that.
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