The Walking Dead: Twice as Far (2016)
Season 6, Episode 14
Well-structured, but a change from the comics lessens the impact of an otherwise stunningly adapted scene.
20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely a run episode (where several members leave to get supplies), although it does have a twist. As a result, it is mostly filler and development until the twist. The episode was well structured and directed, although there are a couple of story decisions that I take issue with. More on that later.

This episode contains an iconic death from the comics. The death was translated from page to screen better than I would have thought possible. The show really managed to capture the surreal and horrific nature of the scene in a great way. However, as the show often does, they changed the recipient of this death. I did not like the fact that they did this. They do this to increase shock value; to surprise even the comic readers. But it actually lessens the impact because they are invariably smaller characters than in the comics. It makes the show less poignant and makes the viewer feel like many of the characters have plot armour. Nonetheless, the death itself and subsequent series of events are fantastic.

Another classic character from the comics is introduced. Well, it turns out that he was introduced a while back and I just didn't notice. More perceptive viewers than I would have pieced it together back then. I originally thought that episode was kind of pointless. Now I see why it was in here. Still, it was thrilling to see him fully realized just like the comics.

There is also a twist at the very end with Carol that I'm not a fan of. I'm open to the direction the show-runners want to take her character in theory, but in execution I have found that in the past couple episodes' development with her felt rushed, out of nowhere, and insincere.

In summation, the first half was a run-of-the-mill run episode; fine for what it is. The second half turns it into something more important and exciting, but also makes a few stumbles.
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