Atlantis Down (2010)
Worst Sci-Fi film ever!
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I made the stupid mistaken of watching this film just over a month ago and I still can't believe how awful and very plastic this film really is!

The graphics were clearly very low budget and very poorly done. The most notable example being the unconvincing-looking shuttle at the start of the film that looked like the graphics came from a PlayStation 1 game!

The first part of the film was the best by far; when the crew was in the badly-animated shuttle and most of the crew were then transported to some sort of weird world that looks like a barren forest on Earth. From that moment on, the film started to go down hill!

Some of the worst parts for me were the ridiculously absurd character deaths that made absolutely no sense whatsoever! Most of the crew had visions/flashbacks about their greatest fears that eventually killed them off!

On the IMDb description for this film, it says "Its crew is on a routine mission, conducting experiments – little do they know – they are the experiment." Unfortunately, it does go into this any further because it does not tell us the reason why they are being experimented on! What I want to know "why or how?" because this messy plot has had me completely stumped!!!

When I first bought this film, I was hoping for them to crash-land onto some sort of strange planet full of aliens but there is absolutely nothing to do with aliens, alien spaceships or alien worlds of any kind. The only thing about it that was even remotely alien was the monster that killed Pete in his vision and even then (due to the lazy CGI of this film) it only showed its luminous eyes! If you bought this film expecting it to be a Star Wars/Star Trek type film, you were wrong, this film is anything but that!!! The most misleading thing about this film is that the DVD cover shows the space shuttle crash-landing onto some sort ruined city and on the back cover there were alien spaceships; since when did this happen in the film? Can someone please tell me?!?

This film was nothing short of absurd and illogical. The storyline was random and did not make any sense, the plot was totally unrealistic and incredibly hard to swallow and film as a whole was really weird and very surreal! I mean, this is like some sort of sci-fi version of Alice In Wonderland, but a lot more grim and much grittier! Except, at the end of Alice In Wonderland, Alice wakes up to find that the whole film was a dream, but in this film there was utterly no logical conclusion to the story whatsoever!

I mean, I could write a better sci-fi film than this because I have got some pretty good ideas in mind that certainly far surpass the plastic plot of this travesty of a film! It is clear to me that whoever originally wrote this film must have exceptionally poor taste and that the script to this was probably the loss leader to a sci-fi film writing competition!

The only thing I liked about it was the characters because they seemed interesting at first! But, sadly, by the end of the film, you realise that the characters turned to be really shallow due to the lack of character development!!! Put the characters in a completely different (and not to mention better!) storyline, then this would have been a great film! The other thing that I would that I would like to mention is that all the locations (apart from the one at the start when the crew is in the space shuttle) were plain, boring and generic, (e.g. the woodland scenes, a barn and some sort of big house with a long staircase), the acting was wooden and very bad and the directing was poor.

On the cover, it says that it is " A must see film ", which is completely ironic because it is a truly terrible film to say the least!!!

I do not recommend watching this pathetic and horrible film because it I think that it is the absolute worst sci-fi film I have ever watched, if not then the worst film I have watched ever because it is disturbing from start to finish, it has an embarrassing car-crash quality to it and it will almost certainly spoil you day! It is sad to think that there so many positive reviews of this film there are on here and that so many people actually think that this is a great film because it is a complete and utter catastrophe of a film!!!!! I was lucky that I only paid £5 for this bad excuse for a film. Do not make the same mistake I did and do not waste your money on this disaster of a film, just spend it on something better like a mars bar!!!!!!! Do not waste your time watching this atrocious film, just watch a real sci-fi film instead!!!!!!! Anything, anything but this horrible film!!!
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