Arrested Development: Top Banana (2003)
Season 1, Episode 2
An Early Classic
12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a show that knows how to pull you in from the start. Normally, sitcoms are pretty mediocre at first but Arrested Development starts with a bang on its first real episode.

We start with Micheal and George Sr. in prison in a hilarious scene- also the ending is a hilarious scene in prison. This episode has so much going on: Tobias and Lindsay trying to find jobs, Michael trying to get the information, George Micheal and Meaby's weird incest subplot that really made me scratch my head my first time watching the show and of course, GOB's failures as a normal person. His act of retaliation is one of my favorite scenes from the show. Lucille and Geaorge are also pretty good in this episode but they usually support other story lines. The flamer was also hilarious.

The only problem is the lack of Buster but he gets the whole episode next time so its not a big deal. This episode is my second favorite episode of AD and its the second episode of the show. Coincidence?
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