Love this flick!
13 April 2016
Banjo's cool poster strongly got my attention when I had read someone's review from freightfest UK last year. I had learned Laurence R. Harvey and Vito Trigo are casted in it back then. Both are my favorite actors. I thought I should check it once released.

My biggest question was.. what's Banjo? Why is it called Banjo in the first place? I know banjo is one of the musical instruments. But what's all about this film? I've been wondering about it. I had to wait until I could see it.

I admit that I couldn't get the meaning of Banjo in my first watching. I was a bit confused. I mumbled like, "Yeah, it's a fun flick but I still don't get it. Why Banjo? hmm... the director seems like a big fan of 80s. There should be the hidden meaning which should be cool. I need to find out. Okay. Let's watch it again!"

I am a good English learner who always try hard! After seeing it twice and learned what "banjo string" is, OHHHH! I finally figured! Everything totally makes sense to me! Hahahahahaha! Liam is crazy! Someone once said, "Knowledge is power". It's very true. Knowledge makes your life fun.

Banjo became my favorite film. It is one of the 80s homage kind of film but definitely it's not only that. In some part, it's very Tromatic. In some part, it has the comedic feeling of Dunder Mifflin. I woudn't be surprised if Dwight Schrute shows up on the screen and starts to make conversation with those fun actors.

Yes, those actors did amazing job. I wish Laurence could have had more time to play. How could he act like that? I thought Kate (his lovely girl friend) can't see it without crying because the guy he's acting is so miserable. I thought she might not like it. How could she keep watching her boyfriend being bullied awfully like that? I said what I felt to my buddy Daiju just after seeing it. He hasn't seen the film but replied me like, "Here's my guess. She would laugh a lot if Laurence is chuckling next to her when they watch it together." I hope he's right.

And Vito! I became a fan of him since I watched Scicene Team. His acting is always funny. Very strong and funny. All other actors are vividly playing their roles.

I once heard that all crazy people are calm and peace in their mind. Peltzer Arbuckle's case seems different. He is forced to deal with tons of mess in his life - job, romance and the troublesome imaginary friend Ronnie. Things are getting complicated/upside down. His mind goes insane. Is Ronnie a savior for Peltzer? Or devil? Or just a friend? I can't tell. But anyway, on the ending, Peltzer became happy - completely calm and peace. So I'd say it's a happy ending.
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